The Minority Alliance for Advocating Community Awareness and Action, Inc. (MAACA), formerly known as the Minority AIDS Action Committee (MAAC) was established in October, 1999 under Shisa, Inc. on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) capacity-building grant CDC PA 00003 Priority 3: Strengthening Community Capacity for HIV Prevention. By September, 2003 MAACA obtained its 501(c)(3) status.
Our Mission is to empower the community through the linkage of services, the creation of culturally sensitive programs and mobilization strategies.
MAACA offices are located 1375 Cross Creek Cir, Tallahassee, FL 32301 where we provide HIV testing and counseling, our H.I.R.E. Inmate Job Placement Program and the Abstinence Education Program.
What We Do
High Impact Prevention HIP: Through a grant from the CDC administered by the Florida Department of Health, MAACA Inc. is following the goal of "Getting to Zero" through innovative programs to end HIV/AIDS in our community.
MAACA Peer Navigator Program: People Living With HIV/AIDS playing a special role in their health and the health of the community. An innovative program, the first of it's kind in our area. For more details visit www.capitalcityaidsnetwork.org.
H.I.R.E. Inmate Job Placement Program:
To decrease the recidivism rate in Leon County by linking inmates to existing community resources.
Abstinence-Only Education Program:
To promote abstinence as a healthy choice and a positive lifestyle through the implementation of the Choosing the Best Life curriculum. Youth will also be educated on the consequences of out of wedlock sexual activity including pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
HIV/AIDS Education Program:
To empower communities by providing information and other resources to improve the quality of life for their residents. MAACA is a source for information about HIV/AIDS Prevention, Awareness, and Treatment. Whiles promoting skill building for navigation of health care systems regarding HIV/AIDS, MAACA develops mobilization strategies regarding teen pregnancy, parenting, and other community issues as they arise.